Monday, 14 April 2014


30th 18th Avenue Tauranga

Dear Faulty Helicopter Company


Once upon a time my dad bought me and my brother a remote controlled helicopter so it didn't work. We pulled it out of the box then plugged it into the wall and let it charge till it was fully charged which took about 30 minutes. After that we unplugged it and then started to fly it worked great at the start and then it started to die down like it was running out of battery life after about 15 minutes so we then said "Thats enough" we all said and then let it charge again.

 After it said it was full on battery life we unplugged it and tried again this time it only went off the ground by around 30CM and then fell to the ground again we then had to check around the helicopter and look through the instructions to see if everything was set up properly which it was so we started to wonder why it wasn't working we tried everything putting on the spare wings trying different functions so what I want you to do is make sure battery life lasts longer and make sure you make the product work better

Your Sincerely

 Kaidin Morton

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Dutch Language

one- een
two- twee
three- drie
four-  veir
five- vijf
six- zes
seven- zeven
eight- acht
nine- negen
ten- tein

 Good Luck - veel geluk

No Problem - green probleem

Hello - Hallo

Thank you - Dank u

goodbye - afscheid

5 facts about this country

There is more than 4,400 km of rivers in the netherlands.

There is as many as 300 castles open to the public.

There is  more than 16 million bicycles in the netherlands almost 1 for every citizen.

The Netherlands was the first country to allow same sex marriage on 2001

70% of the worlds bacon comes from the netherlands

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Khan Academy

  • Khan Academy can teach millions of children and adults al over the world.
  • He does simple lessons aswell as hard ones for the more experience.
  • He can teach every level from basic addition to advanced math problems.
  • Bill Gates daughter was one of his students.
  • He has a very tiny office which is his wardrobe on top of a coffee shop.
  • Khan is 35 years old.
  • in 4 years Khan has done over 3,000 videos and has more than 4,000,000 watchers.
  • He can break even the hardest maths problems.
  • Khan is the most watched teacher in the world.
  • If you were to watch all of Khan's videos it would take over 8 years to watch them all.
  • 95% of the time in his videos he doesn't know the problem but he is thinking.
  • Khan started making videos for his cousin on youtube then he got random people commenting. on them and getting subscribers.
  • He started making videos in 2004.
  • He worked on Wall St as a stock marketer.
  • Bill Gates uses Khan Academy for his own children.
  • Using Khan Academy makes people think maths is easer.
  • Bill Gates donated $15,000,000 to Khan Academy.
  • He has made a dashboard so the teacher can see how bad or good the children are doing.
  • he gets around 1.8,000,000 views in 24 hours.
  • He makes videos on what the people comment.
  • He can also teach history.
  • with Khan Academy people have more of a chance of going to college.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Pin Yin Launguage

I have two 弟弟 - Brothers

I have 1 妈妈- Mum

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Use there when referring to a place eg: Over there by that building

Use their to indicate possession eg: I hope I'm allowed to use their Pencil

They're indicates a contraction of the words they and are eg: hurry up they're closing the mall at 6o'clock!!!

Student Led Conferences

My student led conferences evening was okay I guess I explained what stage I am in maths, reading and writing. We also went through my maths book and blue folder and talked about my learning for 15 MINUTES!