Establish a space program, and become the first nation in Australasia to send a man to the moon; not to explore it, just someone we don’t like.
Anyone who votes will get a free tub of ice cream
Close the pay gap between men and women by working to reduce men’s wages
Relegalise illegal legal highs. The recent government crackdown on these products was overzealous, and there is no reason that perfectly legal substances should be illegal.
Lower greenhouse gas emissions by placing restrictions on the number of greenhouses, and greater obligations upon trees to absorb carbon dioxide.
My party is called the gaming party
All games are 35% off
All games are PG rated
People with terminal diseases will get the most care possible
Legalise Marijuana
Military will get paid $3,000 a day
If a man assaults a woman he will automatically be sentenced to 12 years in prison
If a man assaults a woman he will automatically be sentenced to 12 years in prison
We will take over Samoa, Tonga and al other pacific islands
I think that a good policy that you have got is to give people with terminal diseases will get the most care possible because this will help them a lot and a bad policy is that military will get paid $3,000 a day because that would bad for the economy.